Fisher-Price Think and Learn Rocktopus

Fisher-Price Think and Learn Rocktopus

Fisher-Price has always had some of the most fun toys for babies and toddlers, and this year’s Think and Learn Rocktopus is no different. It’s beautiful with its multi-colors and it’s both education and exciting.

This is a musical toy that has 15 instruments included with five different styles of music and three different ways that your child can play with it. They can either play in music mode, game mode or math mode.

Rocktopus is the kind of toy that is very responsive to your child’s interaction, so no matter which instrument they pick up to use with it, they get a response and some guidance.

Each child gets to be in charge of the music they create using the toy, and they can add instruments to the mix or take some away. If they want to, they can control the sound effects as well as the tempo.

Parents will appreciate the downloadable free app for Rocktopus that helps kids make some really neat music videos. The octopus loves music and kids love the octopus, so it’s a match made in Heaven!

Because this is an educational toy as well as entertaining, your kid will be learning all sorts of things – including adding and subtracting as well as patterns in math. In music mode, they’re going to learn about the instruments (how each one sounds) as well as tempo and sound effects.

If they choose game mode, then the Rocktopus has some fun in store for them! They get to follow the toy as it guides them through some game play that’s rooted in music. The app is available on the regular App store as well as on Amazon and Google Play.

Your little one will get to compose their own songs. This is a great skill to have on its own, but behind the scenes, the process is also teaching your child how to pay attention and listen to directions.

This is a toy designed for children ages 3-6 years of age, but it can be a bit flexible, depending on the maturity of the child involved. Parents will love that this toy isn’t one that is overbearing in the noise department.

The narration used with the toy is simple, so it doesn’t confuse kids and cause parents to have to take the wheel. Many parents liken the toy to a musical puzzle of sorts, which makes it keep a child’s attention for longer than usual.

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