Category Archives: Novelty Toys

Best Toys For Christmas 2018

The Best Toys For Christmas 2018 Christmas comes but once a year, and many of us dwell a great deal on it whilst Some just long for it to pass because it places on them the burden of finding the right presents, whether it be for the kids or for other members of the family. And […]

Fidget Spinners

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have more than likely heard of fidget spinners. They are the latest craze to sweep through 2017, and unfortunately for teachers and parents all over the country, the summer has not been enough to let them run their course. Adults don’t seem to “get” them, and […]

Travel Toys

Traveling never fails to excite everyone in the family, especially kids. The most awaited vacations give them the luxury of quality time to spend with one another. On normal days, we don’t have much of this luxury because we tend to allot a bigger portion of our time for work, school, or other activities. Traveling […]

The Top Nine Fidget Spinner Designs

The Top Nine Fidget Spinner Designs For Kids And Adults, Helps Relieve Stress And Anxiety You’ve seen them everywhere, heard the controversies about them in classrooms, the theories about their uses for people with various conditions, and now you’re being asked to get one. But finding the right fidget spinner for your kid isn’t as […]

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