Microbes Doughlab Stem Kit: Bake and Learn Review

Microbes Doughlab Is Packed With Fun, Tasty, And Educational Experiments With Yeast, Dough, And Bread.

Have you always wanted to learn to bake bread but you don’t know how to go by it? If yes, the Magical Microbes Doughlab Stem Kit: Bake and Learn package is the perfect choice for you. It comes with a baking guide and all the required ingredients you need to bake delicious loaves of bread such as yeast, gluten, flour, etc. This kit also comes with baking tools such as wooden mixing sticks, mixing containers, measuring spoon, etc. Read up this review and get to know more about this kit.

Get the Ingredients and Tools Ready

To start baking bread, there are some important ingredients that must not be left out if you want a perfect and delicious baking. You will find all you need to make a perfect baking in this kit, the ingredients you will find here include 1lb high-protein flour, 3 baking tins, 7G dry yeast, wooden mixing sticks, sugar, salt, inflating gloves, and mixing containers.

This kit also comes with up to 5 recipe guides that teach you how to make 5 different types of bread, and of course, they are of different taste but they all give delicious sensations. The most exciting part of these experiments is that you can use the inflating gloves to detect when the flour you are mixing is ready for baking especially when the effect of the yeast has been fully activated.

Start Baking Delicious Loaves of Bread

You can mix the flour with any of the 5 recipes provided in the guide or try to explore your creativity by trying out more mixtures. Now if you are wondering when to start baking the flour or when the yeast has fully activated, stop wondering as the inflating gloves have been put in place for that purpose. They serve as an indicator to show when the yeast has fully activated and when the flour is ready to get baked. Once the gloves have been fully inflated, it means the mixture is ready for baking.

There have been complaints of missing instruction booklets, but this is probably due to a packaging error, every kit comes with an instruction booklet that will teach you to bake and have fun watching the effect of yeast on flour.


Here is a perfect way to learn how to bake delicious loaves of bread and experiment the science that relates to the strength of yeast and the effect it has on the bread. Do not worry the baking equipment are readily available, all you have to do is mix up, wait for the inflating gloves to give you a go ahead and bake the sweetest bread that anyone has ever tasted.

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