Ravensburger 81243 The Castles Of Burgundy

Ravensburger 81243 The Castles Of Burgundy    

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There is nothing better than playing a family game together on a nice winter break, and that’s what The Castles Of Burgundy has to offer. When the kids are home for school for hours on end, you have to do something to make the time go by faster. Playing a family game can make that time zip by really quick. Depending on the level of difficulty, this toy can be played for 30-90 minutes. Your children will love collecting victory points throughout the course of the game, and the game idea is really unique and cool. You will have a blast sharing this time with your children, and it makes a great gift for another family.

Ravensburger 81243 The Castles Of Burgundy

Best Features

This game is completely unique. It is unlike anything else we have played before, so it was fun to learn the rules and determine how to play. If your family loves cracking puzzles and opening up their world to a new game, this board game is perfect. Drop the electronics, and spend some quality time with your family. They will love this game so much that they will forget all about their phones and computers.

What’s Included

When you order this game, you get the full game set. This includes: 164 six-sided tiles, 42 goods tiles, 20 inches Silverlings inches 30 worker tiles, 12 bonus tiles, victory point tiles, playing pieces, dice, game board, player boards. Two to four people can play at a time.

Ravensburger 81243 The Castles Of Burgundy


If you want some one on one time with your child, this game still works. You can play with anywhere from 2 to 4 players, so it makes it a great bonding game with small families. The rules are not too hard, but they are a lot of fun.



The price of $27.88 is a little high for a game board.


Final Verdict

I really enjoy playing this game, and it is pretty fun and unique. Your children will love to learn the complex rules of how to play, and they will be trying to win over each other. This is the perfect game to play on a cold winter night, and it will keep your children entertained throughout their school break.

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