Parum Pum Pum Drum Review

Parum Pum Pum Drum Will Help Kids With Special Needs And Teach Them!


The Parum Pum Pum Drum is well deserving of its exceptional reviews and overall customer satisfaction. I was told by a friend that this Drum actually won a toy of the year award and although I haven’t verified whether that is true or not, I am really not surprised that it has.

My two year old daughter is absolutely in love with this toy, which she received last Christmas from her grandmother. Every other gift that she received for Christmas pales in comparison to how much she loves this drum set. While other toys have held her attention for about a maximum of ten minutes, she has literally spent entire days entertaining herself with this toy.

She has a learning disability – it takes her nearly twice the amount of time that it takes the average child to learn most skills, but that has in no way hindered the amount of enjoyment that she receives from this toy. She drums and drums and drums some more – to the point that yes, sometimes I need to go into the next room for a few minutes to avoid a headache, but usually it is really just a treat to watch her play with something that she can so naturally understand.

Her receiving and enjoying the Parum Pum Pum Drum to this incredible extent has inspired me to put her in music classes when she gets older, and as she grows and develops, I am going to start looking into more musical toys for her to play with, since she loves this one so much.

In practical and safety terms as well, the Drum is great. I have absolutely nothing to worry about when she is playing with it, as the set is well made and the pieces are large enough that I never have had to worry about her swallowing any small pieces.

Additionally, with the beating that this drum has received from my daughter, the set had held up incredibly well under pressure. The Drum is also great because her cousin, who is just over a year, can play with her as well while she plays with it. He plays with the rattling eggs and she plays with the drum – or vice versa – and they easily spend a few hours this way. It is great that the toy appeals so nicely to both boys and girls as well.

Overall, this is a great toy. The Parum Pum Pum Drum is worth every penny spent on it. I love watching my daughter have so much fun with it, and I also really appreciate the fact that she is showing a love of music at such a young age. Hands down, this is one of the best toys that we have ever owned.

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